One of my favourite healing techniques I’ve learned in the last year are removing energetic stress webs. Stress webs are the result of overactive communication between the adrenals, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, causing “stress webs” to shoot out from the adrenals and wrapping around various areas of the body, keeping the body locked down in a pattern of stress. One recent example is a client who contacted me saying she wanted to break her habit…
This is me, Thursday night just gone, in massive pain and laying on hot water bottles. I’ve had chronic pain for about the last nine or ten years after I wrote off my motorbike and landed on my head. Didn’t know for the first seven years that it was a bulging disc in my neck causing issues as my main symptom was neck and shoulder pain. Started getting a mad headache on Wednesday which by…
I look happy in this picture, right? This was me in September 2010, the month before I moved from London to Australia. I was in Ibiza, with my brother, and it was definitely a happier week than I’d had, but I was still a shell of my former self. I’d had a hell of a year – actually a hell of a few years leading up to that holiday. I’d lost close friends to…
When we met around 2012, Tina and I hit it off massively as friends. Back then, she was working in hospitality, drinking and taking drugs regularly to block out her childhood. Many years later when we were working in sessions together with coaching and healing, her past trauma hit her like a freight train. She realised she was running the unconscious programming that she was “disgusting” which had led to many years of projecting a…
At the start of each year I like to take a moment to pause, reflect and set my goals for the year ahead. There are three tools I want to share with you to get your 2023 kicked off with a bang. MORE + LESS LIST The first two tools are two separate lists. ✅ Write out a list of everything you want more of in 2023. What do you want to…
I read a beautiful quote the other day; “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” —David W. Augsburger Active listening and really hearing what the other person is saying is a skill we can take for granted. For a lot of people I work with, they’ve felt unheard for a lot of their lives. This can lead to them shutting down and not bothering…