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Today I won’t stress over things I can’t control

  How much of your day do you spend stressing about things you have little to zero control over?   How much is that actually helping you in a positive way?   Ask yourself: does stressing + worrying about anything actually help me through it?   Or does it just run your body + mind down? rumina Can you find ways to surrender to the process instead?    Try out some of these things to calm your nervous system if…

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When will you eat the frog?

    🫠 Are you a mahoosive procrastinator?   There’s a really great analogy I like to use with my clients who often find themselves procrastinating.   🐸Imagine if you had to eat a frog every single day of your life.   You absolutely HAD to, no getting out of it at all.   🤯Would you go all day long, procrastinating on eating the frog, worrying about it, thinking about it all day long and finally eating it at bedtime?…

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Keep your vibe in check to attract what you want in life

    Last week I got a message from one of my Reiki students saying her fam had been given a short time to find a new rental as their landlord is selling up.   Panicky vibes for sure, this is a stressful situation to find yourself in.   When the shit hits the fan what often happens is we find ourselves in a place of fear, worry, anxiety, overthinking kinda vibes.   This narrows our thinking so we aren’t…

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