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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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Don’t let anyone take you back to a level you’ve already levelled up from

    I’ve been speaking to a few clients this week about how they’ve found themselves in another abusive relationship after recovering from their last one. 😖    We leave a shell of our former selves. 🐚 s   We get strong again. 💪🏻   Then we attract another partner who starts using the same kind of behaviours. 😳   Listen to the red flags! 🚩    When you’re strong, do what you need to do to keep you strong.…

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Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice

  Life is full of Negative Nancy’s isn’t it?   Peeps who are always willing to dish out their “expert” opinion on how you should live your life.   Reflect on who you’re surrounded by in life at the moment; are they helping or hindering you?   Do they support you in your goals or do they cock-block you?   Over the years I’ve diligently decluttered the critical shitheads from my life and now I’m in a space where nobody…

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None of it was a waste

Sometimes I feel an almost overwhelming sadness about how much time I’ve wasted in relationships with men who didn’t deserve my love and time.   And then I reflect on all the lessons I’ve learned and realise they all got me to where I am today.   As I fast approach 40, I’m in an amazing place in my life where for maybe the first time ever there is a sense of balance and happiness in every single area of…

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18 life lessons from a helper (recovering rescuer-enabler) type

After spending most of my life helping others, and often (in the past) to my detriment, I thought I’d share some learnings that I wish someone had shared with me. ❤️‍🩹   PEOPLE CAN CHANGE, BUT WE CAN’T CHANGE THEM   As a helper type it’s so natural to want to dive in and help people we see in need, especially those closest to us. 🥹   We do this because we believe everyone has the capacity to change; over…

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It’s all about the self love!

Recently I read an article written by the gorgeously inspiring Jess Ainscough, otherwise known as The Wellness Warrior. I love Jess’s blogs and I especially loved this one as it focused on SELF LOVE. Jess talked about every Sunday being a “Self-Centred Sunday” where you basically spend the entire day dedicated to self care and self love. This really resonated for me on a number of levels as this has been a real issue for me up until this year.…

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