What a year 2020 has been. It certainly gave the entire world a shake up. It’s caused many of us to question a lot of things in our lives. Are we in the right job? The right relationship? The right country? Many people have left their careers, whether it was forced or because they didn’t want to delay a career change any further. Many relationships have broken down in the face of lockdown. One thing is certain; it’s been…
It’s normal for us to want those we love the most to be supportive of our goals. But sometimes, this isn’t our reality. Recently a member of my online course asked me, “what do I do if my partner isn’t on board with my goals?” It totally depends on what the context is around this. We all have our own personal goals, as well as shared goals with our partner and family. But sometimes…
It doesn’t matter who you are, or how successful you are – we all have shit from our past that can keep us stuck. Old, core wound shit that has led to feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, useless, stupid, not good enough. The core wound shit that has attracted people, situations and relationships into our lives that “prove” that we aren’t good enough over and over – until we do the work to heal our wounds. This stuff happens to all of us on some…
I was listening to a podcast last week and the person being interviewed was sharing their story of overcoming a challenge. She said “if I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened.” Which situations can you say that about in your life? Where you ignored your gut feeling and ignored your intuition, only to be kicked in the arse by it later? I know I can reflect on many such times. If I had listened to me, I wouldn’t…
After spending most of my life helping others, and often (in the past) to my detriment, I thought I’d share some learnings that I wish someone had shared with me. ❤️🩹 PEOPLE CAN CHANGE, BUT WE CAN’T CHANGE THEM As a helper type it’s so natural to want to dive in and help people we see in need, especially those closest to us. 🥹 We do this because we believe everyone has the capacity to change; over…