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Don’t be afraid to change direction

    Have you ever found yourself in something you thought you wanted for a long time, but when you were in it, you realised it wasn’t for you? 🤔    This might be a job, education, relationship, place that you’ve moved to… anything really.   Even if you’ve been in your relationship for years, what are you costing the rest of your life by staying in it if you’re unhappy? 🥹   Even if you don’t want to let…

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What I’m seeing in people’s energy right now

    Each week I see anywhere between 2 + 25 clients for in person or distant healing.   I notice “trends” in people’s energy fields so in a week there are often quite a few clients presenting with the same things going on in their energy fields.   The last 2 weeks what I’ve noticed is heart, lung + throat stuff going on.     I’ve needed to flush the heart + lung meridians, restructure the organs of the…

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Don’t let anyone take you back to a level you’ve already levelled up from

    I’ve been speaking to a few clients this week about how they’ve found themselves in another abusive relationship after recovering from their last one. 😖    We leave a shell of our former selves. 🐚 s   We get strong again. 💪🏻   Then we attract another partner who starts using the same kind of behaviours. 😳   Listen to the red flags! 🚩    When you’re strong, do what you need to do to keep you strong.…

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The body keeps the score

    I’m reading a book at the moment which has been on my to-read list for SO long; The Body Keeps the Score by Bessell Van Der Kolk.   At the moment I’m reading a section about safety and reciprocity, about how being able to feel safe with other people is “probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives”.   Numerous studies have found that social support is the…

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Are you brave enough to make your dreams a reality?

    At least once a week, somebody says to me “you’re sooooo lucky!”   Luck has nothing to do with it.    I posted a pic of the ocean on one of my usual beach walks close to my house an a guy in Scotland said “you’re so lucky – it’s so cold here.”   Luck has nothing to do with it.    He assumed I’d been raised here in Aus.    I first visited Aus from London when…

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The grass isn’t greener on the other side – It’s greener where you water it

    We all know the old cliché phrase, “the grass is greener on the other side” – but most of us also know that in reality it isn’t true.   This phrase originally came from an American song written in 1924 called “the grass is always greener in the other fellow’s yard” by Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting, and the chorus goes a little something like this:   The grass is always greener  In the other fellow’s…

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