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Are you choosing to stay stuck?

    I was listening to an amazing, inspirational podcast interview the other day on “I Catch Killers with Gary Jubelin”.   Gary was interviewing Khalid Baker, who was convicted of a murder he’s always maintained he never committed.   He was only 18 and went on to spend 13 years in prison.   He talked about how he could have let anger consume him, but this would have led him to staying stuck.   He knew the system would…

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What if you were only known for the worst thing you’d ever done?

I was listening to an amazing Tim Ferris podcast yesterday where he interviewed Catherine Hoke, the “master of second chances.” Catherine Hoke — The Master of Second Chances Catherine runs the not for profit Defy Ventures, which is an entrepreneurship, employment and character development program for currently and formerly incarcerated men, women and youth. I highly recommend listening to her interview as she is fascinating to listen to: Catherine Hoke — The Master of Second Chances I’ve spent over a decade working in…

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We hold the power to change our story

I was listening to a powerful TED Talk today about the power of forgiveness (which, if you’re followed me for a while, you know I like to bang on about this topic, and did a video interview about how forgiveness has transformed my life which you can watch here). WOW.   This is an incredible story about the power of forgiveness.   Warning: this isn’t for the fainthearted but this is Sammy Rangel’s story of being severely abused by his…

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