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Mental health

Codependent no more

  I seem to be having a lot of conversations lately about codependent relationships. Firstly, it’s important to know that even strong, independent people end up in codependent relationships. I know this first hand after being in many codependent relationships myself, even though I consider myself a very independent person. WHERE DOES IT ALL START? As a kid, if you’ve experienced the following things it leaves you way more likely to find yourself in codependent relationships as an adult: 😢…

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Brain trauma + mental health

  If you don’t know who Dr Daniel Amen is, check out his work. He’s a psychiatrist who, when studying, realised his profession is the only profession that deals with the brain that doesn’t even look at the brains of their clients. I’ve been following his stuff for a while now – he does SPECT scans on people’s brains to show why they’re behaving the way they are or why they’re experiencing certain issues. He then works with them in…

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Empowerography podcast interview with Brad Walsh

    Recently I was interviewed by Brad Walsh for the Empowerography Podcast.   We talked about some pretty heavy and important shit.    We spoke about mental health, self-care vs self-love and suicide prevention.    It was such an important and inspirational conversation.    You really need to check this episode out.   My goal is to help people to become their truest, most authentic version of themselves and to love themselves so much they won’t let anyone or…

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The body keeps the score

    I’m reading a book at the moment which has been on my to-read list for SO long; The Body Keeps the Score by Bessell Van Der Kolk.   At the moment I’m reading a section about safety and reciprocity, about how being able to feel safe with other people is “probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives”.   Numerous studies have found that social support is the…

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Are you having issues with your teenager?

    Recently I’ve been asked by a few mums whether I work with teens.    The answer is yes. ✅    Back in my early 20’s I was a mentor for youth at risk of being expelled from a school in Peckham, a low socioeconomic area in South East London.    Each week I’d turn up for a chat with them and they seemed so relieved to talk to me. 🥹   I wasn’t their parent, teacher or friend. …

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What it’s like to be a partner/carer to someone with bipolar disorder

    Recently I was listening to Joel on the Lived Experience Podcast and he was sharing what it was like to grow up with a mum with bipolar disorder. In this interview on the Lived Experience podcast I chat to Joel about my “past life” experience of being a partner/carer of someone with bipolar disorder. It triggered a lot of memories for me of a “past life” relationship in London starting when I was 26 years old, and I…

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