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Life Coaching

We are more beautiful for having been broken

    I was in a workshop the other day where a clinical psychologist was talking about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and showed this picture of a broken bowl, repaired with gold or silver lacquer, called Kintsukuroi. The idea is the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. I thought this was such a beautiful idea. In the world of personal development there is a constant quest for “fixing” the broken pieces of ourselves in order to move on…

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Fix up your broken windows

In his book “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell describes the “broken window theory” of crime reduction. Broken window theory basically states that wherever there is a broken window, criminals are more likely to swoop in on that area to cause more damage to property, tag with graffiti and continue to trash the place. The council of New York tested this theory by fixing up the broken windows, and painting over the graffiti, to make it a nicer place to live…

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Design your perfect day

What would your perfect day look like? Have you ever really thought about it? I know what mine looks like from the minute I wake up. At first when someone asked me that question I had a vague idea, but it wasn’t until I got really crystal clear about it that I got super excited. When you get that kind of clarity, the Universe starts aligning it’s shizzle to give you what you want. Here’s some homeplay for you to…

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Baby steps are better than no steps

So often we put pressure on ourselves to get certain things done or do things in a certain way. This is especially true the more we learn about self development – the more tools in our toolbox, the more things we know that will help move us closer to our goals. But in among all of this, there are just some days where you feel like shite. And when that happens, and you know so many different tools and techniques…

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We can all be someone’s Guardian Angel. Please read and share ~x~

On 3 September  I attended the First Responders Suicide Prevention Forum in Perth, leading up to World Suicide Prevention Day next week on 10 September. The theme was One World Connected. While this isn’t my usual happy post, I posted something similar last year. This topic is a really important one and needs to be talked about openly, by everyone.  The current suicide rate is almost double the road toll – 360 deaths per year in Western Australia, almost one…

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