Last week I was chatting with a friend who is on a break from her boyfriend. She was having a hard time dealing with it and was wanting to heal her pain, so I explained a process to her that I’ve found really helpful in the past. It’s called ho’oponopono and it’s a Hawaiian mantra for reparation, healing and forgiveness. The process is really simple ~ you bring to mind a certain situation or memory…
INSTAGRAM 🚘 shiny new cars 🏝️ endless holidays 💰 money living the laptop lifestyle 🤗 no problems REALITY 😴 5am starts ✍🏻 setting goals 🤩 taking action 💯 hard work 💩 constantly working on your own shit 👤 confronting your own shadow Decide what you want. Write that shit down. Make a fucking plan. Take Inspired Action Every Fucking Day A typical day in the life of me is: 😴getting up at 5am 💪🏻getting…
One of my favourite healing techniques I’ve learned in the last year are removing energetic stress webs. Stress webs are the result of overactive communication between the adrenals, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, causing “stress webs” to shoot out from the adrenals and wrapping around various areas of the body, keeping the body locked down in a pattern of stress. One recent example is a client who contacted me saying she wanted to break her habit…
I look happy in this picture, right? This was me in September 2010, the month before I moved from London to Australia. I was in Ibiza, with my brother, and it was definitely a happier week than I’d had, but I was still a shell of my former self. I’d had a hell of a year – actually a hell of a few years leading up to that holiday. I’d lost close friends to…
When we met around 2012, Tina and I hit it off massively as friends. Back then, she was working in hospitality, drinking and taking drugs regularly to block out her childhood. Many years later when we were working in sessions together with coaching and healing, her past trauma hit her like a freight train. She realised she was running the unconscious programming that she was “disgusting” which had led to many years of projecting a…
Here Tina shares with us her journey of how the tools she learned in the program helped her literally survive – she honestly believes if she had not learned these tools, she would be dead, in prison, or in a psychiatric ward. Check out my program here. Check out Tina’s amazing business here. As always, if you feel you would like to chat about how I can help you, drop me a message and we can chat about…