How hitting rock bottom was the best thing that happened to me and allowed me to uncover my authentic self, choose following my passion over preconceived expectations and led to my own healing journey via breathwork…. 🫁 Which I am now so grateful I get to share with the world. To connect with Farlee you can find her at live_free_with_farlee. To find out about Farlee’s upcoming breathwork workshops check out her page here. Comment BREATHE below if…
I was listening to the Matthew Hussey podcast the other day and they were talking about relationships as they always do. 🫶🏻 It was a pretty interesting depth convo about a range of things but at one point his wife said “I like me more than you.” She wasn’t saying this to him; she was saying it in relation to people who leave a relationship that isn’t good for their best self because they CHOOSE themselves over being “less…
I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway; “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.” Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken. ❤️🩹 The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and grow in…
This isn’t a question many people consider very often but it’s an important one. Do you like who you are in general? What about the person you are (or become) around certain people? 🧐 What percentage of the time are you authentically YOU? Do you even know who your authentic self is? 🥹 I’m happy to say at this stage of my life that I like myself most of the time. The times when I don’t like who I’m…
Just reflecting on the last 17 years of running my biz and how grateful I feel for so many cool experiences along the way. ✨ I’ve learned some incredible personal development and energy tools over the years and I’ll never stop learning. Each year I want to become a better version of myself by healing whatever may be holding me back. 🙌🏻 And I want to bring that better version of me to my clients, sharing my learnings along…
Last week someone completely unknown to me contacted me for an urgent coaching session. While she wasn’t initially there for an energy treatment, a lot of the things she spoke about led me to believe she likely had: 🥺 totally unbalanced chakras 👹 negative entities affecting her 🎯 a totally misaligned assemblage point ❤️🩹 a lack of self love She wasn’t sure what she wanted other than to feel happy which she hadn’t for a long…