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from surviving to thriving

You’re not a mess. You’re a feeling person in a messy world.

    I often have conversations with people who speak a lot about what they perceive as their anxiety and depression 🥹   What I’ve noticed is that sometimes we pathologise feelings that are a normal response to an abnormal situation.   “You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” ~ Glennon Doyle Melton   We throw around terms like anxiety and depression very loosely in this modern world, often when it’s not actually…

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Tina shares her amazing story of From Surviving To Thriving

    Here Tina shares with us her journey of how the tools she learned in the program helped her literally survive – she honestly believes if she had not learned these tools, she would be dead, in prison, or in a psychiatric ward. Check out my program here. Check out Tina’s amazing business here. As always, if you feel you would like to chat about how I can help you, drop me a message and we can chat about…

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The upward spiral

    Most of us have been through a period in our lives where we have been at rock bottom.   At the time, you may have found yourself thinking “how the hell did I get here?”   If you reflect back, there were probably multiple red flags and warning signs that led you on a downhill spiral to rock bottom.   Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up through a series of changes that help you…

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Begin with the end in mind

  Do you have big dreams for your life?   When was the last time you took a moment to think about how you’d like your life to truly look and feel in, say, 5-10 years time?   What does your dream life look like?   Have you broken down that dream life into short term, medium term and long term goals?   So many people are coasting through life with no set direction they’re heading in.   This is…

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Sometimes the weight you need to lose isn’t on your body

  Imagine we are all born with an empty suitcase. Imagine that each time you go through some kind of trauma or negative event in your life, you put a potato in that suitcase. The size of the potato you put in would reflect the significance of that event. If you appropriately dealt with the experience at the time, you get to take the potato out. Chances are, by the time you get to, say, 35-40 years old, you may…

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Your brain isn’t designed to make you happy

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes School of Greatness Podcast today which was a mix of a bunch of different people he has interviewed over the years about the habits of successful people.   One snippet was of an interview with Tony Robbins – one of my faves.   Tony said:   “Your brain wasn’t designed to make you happy. Your brain was designed to make you survive.   Happiness is YOUR job, and it’s a decision.”  …

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