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energy work

Set yourself free

      I heard a great Michaelangelo quote the other day, talking about carving an angel out of stone: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. This reminds me of personal development and is why I love coaching clients. I have a knack for seeing people’s true potential when they can’t see…

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How the vaccine may be affecting your energy field

      A little while ago, I wrote a blog talking about what I’d noticed in peoples energy fields over the previous four years leading up to the pandemic, and what I noticed happened during lockdown.   Things have changed again in my clients energy fiends since people started getting the COVID vaccine.   Please know, I’m not necessarily pro or anti anything but I am pro individual choice.   I think it’s so sad that families and friends…

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Go deeper with your healing

    Are you in a place in your life where you’re ready to go deeper in your healing journey?   I’m releasing a VERY limited amount of spots in my calendar for only 1 or 2 people to go deeper with me on a 1:1 basis over a 12 week period (time period can be flexible to suit your needs).   This includes:   One session per week broken down into 6 coaching sessions and 6 energy treatments, alternating…

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Are stress webs affecting you?

    One of my favourite healing techniques I’ve learned in the last year are removing energetic stress webs. Stress webs are the result of overactive communication between the adrenals, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, causing “stress webs” to shoot out from the adrenals and wrapping around various areas of the body, keeping the body locked down in a pattern of stress.   One recent example is a client who contacted me saying she wanted to break her habit of reaching…

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Healing is a journey, not an event

  I’ve been coaching and doing energy work since 2006, and a common question I get is “how often should I have a session/treatment”? Personal development and clearing your emotional baggage is a lifetime of work. It’s an ongoing journey, not just a single point in time. Sure, you can feel significantly better after a single session. But if you’re really committed to becoming the best version of yourself, then commit to regular sessions. I’ve been working on myself now…

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Exciting new offerings

  I’m so excited to share what I’ve been learning over the last few months which is really up-levelling my own vibration as well as significantly changing the way I do treatments! I’ve been learning new coaching and healing tools and it’s time to offer these in combination with my usual coaching sessions and treatments. QUANTUM FREEDOM THERAPY QFT is an awesome mix between EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping), NLP (neuro-linguistic programmatic), and hypnotherapy. In these sessions…

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