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emotional pain

Be like a buffalo when facing a storm

  I was listening to a Matthew Hussey podcast this week and he was interviewing an expert on grief and heartbreak. ❤️‍🩹  This expert was the only grief expert who has also studied buffalo. 🦬  What he noticed was that when a storm is approaching, buffalo will head towards the storm instead of away from it. 🌧️      By doing this, they face the challenge head on and don’t prolong any potential suffering.  He likened this to how we…

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What I’m seeing in people’s energy right now

    Each week I see anywhere between 2 + 25 clients for in person or distant healing.   I notice “trends” in people’s energy fields so in a week there are often quite a few clients presenting with the same things going on in their energy fields.   The last 2 weeks what I’ve noticed is heart, lung + throat stuff going on.     I’ve needed to flush the heart + lung meridians, restructure the organs of the…

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A tight grip is a weak grip

  I saw a post on linked in the other day that said “a tight grip is a weak grip” and it got me thinking about all the scenarios in which this is true.   Relationships ~ by holding tightly onto a relationship that may not be aligned with your highest good, you prevent yourself from healing what you need to in order to attract someone who is meant for you.   Jobs ~ we stay too long in jobs…

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How do you protect yourself from emotional pain?

  I’ve been listening to a few interviews with Michael Singer recently, author of The Untethered Soul.   He wrote this book a long time ago but I only recently came across his work watching an interview he did with Oprah, where she said reading his book was a game changer for her.   He gives some great metaphors for how we hold on to emotional pain and attempt to protect ourselves from further pain.   If you had a…

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We are so much better at causing pain, than feeling pain

“Sit with the pain until it passes, and you will be calmer for the next one” ~ Naval RavikantThe world is full of very wounded people.Some wounded people choose to work on their pain to heal it, but many more people choose not to.When you have a low tolerance for distress, it makes it harder to sit with emotional pain, which needs to be done to be able to heal it.Instead, many choose a path of avoiding emotional pain through…

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Pain is part of life; suffering is optional

We all go through painful situations in life – it’s an inevitable part of the journey of living. But suffering is a human condition and one that we do to ourselves.  We obsessively think about things that happened in our past, that we did or were done to us. We overthink all the things we believe are going wrong in our lives. And by doing so, we forget how magnificent our life really is. What we focus on, we get…

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