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Don’t take anything personally

    We tend to think the way other people treat us is to do with us personally.   Most of the time, that’s not true. ☺️   Most of the time what people say is actually nothing to do with you.   It’s a projection of their own reality, the way they see life is through their own tinted kinda glasses. 🤓    Glasses framed by their past life experiences, their belief system, their traumas + triggers.    The…

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Day One or One Day – you decide

  We all have things in our life that we dream about doing. Those dreams that we know would deeply fulfil us if we were able to achieve them. What stops us from reaching for those dreams with inspired action is our limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, insecurities, feeling like we don’t have the time/money/knowledge etc, and thinking that we may get there “one day”. The road someday leads to nowhere. What if you were to turn today into Day…

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Begin with the end in mind

  Do you have big dreams for your life?   When was the last time you took a moment to think about how you’d like your life to truly look and feel in, say, 5-10 years time?   What does your dream life look like?   Have you broken down that dream life into short term, medium term and long term goals?   So many people are coasting through life with no set direction they’re heading in.   This is…

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Don’t let the critics stand in the way of your dreams

Do you have dreams of something you want to be, do or have? Have you ever tried to action those dreams, but let the critics around you put a stop to it? Time and time again, I speak with people about the wishes and dreams they have for their future, all the possibilities they see in front of them. What I also see consistently is a lack of support from those closest to them to support their wishes and dreams.…

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How did 2017 work out for you?

Hey gorgeous Well it’s only one more sleep until New Year’s Eve. How was your Christmas? Mine was nice and chilled at home with my little family. I usually eat way too much over the Chrissy period but I had toothache so kept it minimal…. a trip to the dentist after Christmas resulted in me having two wisdom teeth pulled, ouch! Can’t say it was the most pleasant experience hearing my teeth crack and pull away from the bone but…

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