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Everybody gets depressed – lighten up and crack a smile

  How many times have you heard someone use the term “I’m depressed,” without actually being diagnosed as clinically depressed? 😔  The term gets bandied around quite loosely as though it’s something we all go through.  This pisses me off because it downplays what true depression feels like – those who’ve never had it think you can “just cheer up”.  Sure, ups and downs in mood are totally normal and a part of responding to situations in life.  But clinical…

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The happiness expert

  If you listen to anything today, make it this (you can just listen you don’t need to sit down and watch if you have other things to do). Mo grew up poor in Egypt and at age 29 ended up very rich working for the top companies in the world. He was clinically depressed, so he started researching happiness and it became his life’s work which also involved the teachings of his son who tragically died in his early…

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The power of vulnerability

    Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability.   Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior?💪🏻   Yeah, me too.   The problem with that is that we’re often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it 🫠   Back in 2010, I was in a…

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From depressed to dream life

    13 years ago I was…    🇬🇧 living in freezing cold London dreaming of living in Australia 🌧️ clinically depressed 🤯 stuck as a carer for an abusive psychotic partner  💰 broke  😩 in despair 😔 couldn’t see a way out at times  🤯 living in survival mode each day  🥺 disconnected from a lot of friends, family and most of all myself   These days I’m…    🇦🇺 living in sunny Australia 😌 mentally healthy 🥰 with…

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F*ck positive thinking (when you’re depressed and suicidal)

Hey guys I was just reflecting on a conversation I was having with a new client last week. He’s in a pretty bad way, he’s very depressed and he’s attempted suicide a number of times now. To watch the video on YouTube click here. During this initial call we had, he mentioned how many people had talked to him about positive thinking – you know, “just think positively.” I know a lot of people who are depressed, or who are feeling…

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What to do when you’re feeling stuck or depressed {video}

Hey guys Today I have a video for you that I recorded the other day as a Facebook Live video. I recorded this for anyone who is currently feeling stuck, anxious, depressed and/or suicidal at the moment – you are NOT alone. This video was inspired by listening to other people’s stories about how they hit rock bottom and came out the other side. Please watch and share xx Click here to watch the video. Are you ready to stop…

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