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What I can sense in people’s energy during coaching

  Last week someone completely unknown to me contacted me for an urgent coaching session.   While she wasn’t initially there for an energy treatment, a lot of the things she spoke about led me to believe she likely had:   🥺 totally unbalanced chakras 👹 negative entities affecting her 🎯 a totally misaligned assemblage point ❤️‍🩹 a lack of self love    She wasn’t sure what she wanted other than to feel happy which she hadn’t for a long…

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3 tools to kick off your New Year

    At the start of each year I like to take a moment to pause, reflect and set my goals for the year ahead.   There are three tools I want to share with you to get your 2023 kicked off with a bang.     MORE + LESS LIST   The first two tools are two separate lists.   ✅ Write out a list of everything you want more of in 2023.    What do you want to…

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Do you need more work life balance?

  I saw recently there has been a 30% increase in a google search for “how to find work life balance”.   With the last couple of years of the pandemic, a lot more peeps have been working from home.   This really blurs the boundary between work life and home life.   It’s also always been this way for those of us who run businesses, especially those who run a biz on the side of full time work.  …

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