This isn’t a question many people consider very often but it’s an important one. Do you like who you are in general? What about the person you are (or become) around certain people? 🧐 What percentage of the time are you authentically YOU? Do you even know who your authentic self is? 🥹 I’m happy to say at this stage of my life that I like myself most of the time. The times when I don’t like who I’m…
#reflection I’m so grateful to myself. Grateful I worked so hard at working on building my sense of self worth, self love + self esteem after I let partners who didn’t deserve my love tear it to shreds. Grateful I kept building my self love when I met Cam because I felt panicky letting his amazing kind of love in. I didn’t/couldn’t trust it at first. After 20 years of challenging relationships where I was let down over +…
I’m sorry for all those times I never let you speak your mind and stand up for yourself. I forgive you, I love you. 🥺 I’m sorry for all those relationships I tried to make work when they didn’t deserve it. I forgive you, I love you. 🥹 I’m sorry for taking years longer to move to Australia because you let yourself be held back by him. I forgive you, I love you. …
I N T I M A C Y ~ into me, I see ❤️ After what felt like a lifetime of failed relationships, I met my amazing fiancé Cam when I was 38. In our last few years together I’ve realised how much all my relationships have been a reflection of how I feel about myself and what I need to heal. My past relationships were a reflection of; 🥹 how I put others…
Recently I’ve been asked by a few mums whether I work with teens. The answer is yes. ✅ Back in my early 20’s I was a mentor for youth at risk of being expelled from a school in Peckham, a low socioeconomic area in South East London. Each week I’d turn up for a chat with them and they seemed so relieved to talk to me. 🥹 I wasn’t their parent, teacher or friend. …
Join my chat with my great friend of over 20 years, Tina Eloise, sharing her journey from Surviving to Thriving. Tina Eloise is an international feminine embodiment and liberation mentor She is the creator of The Sacred Scream Ceremony & Somatic Shadow Work which is a powerful modality using the body and expression to heal and create the life you want. Over the past 10 years Tina has gone from being a Reiki Healer riddled with horrific childhood…