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The importance of cutting energy cords

  Each week I see anywhere between three and forty people for energy work, either in person or via remote healing. 🙌🏻 Because of the amount of people I’m working on each week I notice themes occuring in my clients. These themes can last weeks or even months. One of the themes I’m noticing right now is that people are needing cord cutting.     Just like when we’re born with an umbilical cord attaching us to our mums, we…

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Codependent no more

  I seem to be having a lot of conversations lately about codependent relationships. Firstly, it’s important to know that even strong, independent people end up in codependent relationships. I know this first hand after being in many codependent relationships myself, even though I consider myself a very independent person. WHERE DOES IT ALL START? As a kid, if you’ve experienced the following things it leaves you way more likely to find yourself in codependent relationships as an adult: 😢…

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Excuse me sir, you have a chopstick in your eye!

  I recently did a distant healing on a friend who said he had really sore eyes and it was causing a lot of pain. 👀 I’ve done a lot of healings on him in the past but sore eyes is definitely a new thing for him. So I did a comprehensive distant healing focusing on the goal if healing whatever was going on with his eyes. After kicking out any “bad juju” – negative entities, negative thought forms and…

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Exciting News! 🤩

  EXCITING NEWS! 🤩 Exciting News! 🤩  I’m excited to have just qualified as a NEUROFIT Certified Trainer. Nervous system regulation is something I’ve become increasingly aware of over the years, for me personally but also for my clients. I’m really keen to watch the positive shifts for those I work with as well as for my own life. Having spent 12 years now living with chronic pain and still healing from the accumulation of years worth of trauma and…

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Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

  Many moons ago when I lived in London, I stumbled upon a random house party with a group of mates.  It was the early hours of the morning and I don’t think anyone was being their best self. 😂 My friend looked over at a guy we didn’t know and instantly judged him, saying how boring he looked. I told her not to judge a book by its cover (after all, it was around 6am!) and to go over…

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