How I ended up in New Idea magazine

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction in 2007, it was through reading a book by Sandy Forster called How To Be Wildly Wealthy FAST.

Back then I was living in London, working full time as a Probation Officer and trapped in a toxic relationship. I’d dreamed of moving to Australia for the previous 10 years, but felt really stuck at that time.

Sandy’s book talks about the Law of Attraction and tools you can use to implement it. At it’s very core, the idea is that you get what you focus on – so where is your focus?

At that time I knew I wanted to start saving up the money to make the big move to Australia, and so I started implementing all the tools in Sandy’s book – I used affirmations, vision boards, I’d see myself in Australia happy and free. The tools worked so well for me that I moved to Australia in 2010 after leaving that toxic relationship. I met my amazing man who I’m now happily engaged to, and we built our dream house in Perth overlooking the ocean. Some days I still pinch myself at how much life has changed for me!

I became a certified Law of Attraction Coach, trained by Sandy Forster herself, and quit working full time in 2016 to run my coaching and Reiki business full time. These tools really work if you implement them consistently!

If you’re thinking of becoming a coach and learning these amazing tools for yourself then I highly recommend Sandy’s course, the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy. Check it out here. If you have any questions about that I’d love to hear from you – I occasionally run some of the training calls for the Academy and it’s lots of fun training the new coaches coming through!

Last week I ended up with a 2 page spread in New Idea magazine (shown in the pic above) where I was interviewed about how the Law of Attraction has changed my life. Pretty crazy to reflect back on my life in London to where I’m at now, ending up in New Idea magazine!!

How can you use the Law of Attraction to create your dream life?

Some food for thought 🙂

Catcha on the flip side,


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