Pow3r 1n numb3r5

Power in numbersI realised today how many things I am doing in a group environment, either in person or virtually, and how much it is benefitting me.


Now I have always been the kind of person who loves to be around people and buzz off the energy off others. But this has gone from more of a “social scene” kind of thing to more of a “get some practical shizzle done” kinda way.


Tomorrow I am spending the day having a working bee with my gorgeous friend Coach Christie at my place. Individually we are Coach Carly and Coach Christie, but together we are “Team Dynamo”, a force to be reckoned with! Two heads are better than one as they say, although I would dispute that if they happened to be on the same body, that would be a bit weird. There’s something magical that happens when there is more than one person working on something at the same time. I find that even if we are working on separate things, then just being in the same space makes us both more productive ~ we are a lot less likely to slack off!


On Friday I was given a wonderful gift by my lovely friend Mandy from In2ituion (check out her website for skincare here for her organic, home made products which are divine) ~ a 2 hour sound healing session with One Tribe Sound Healing in Fremantle, WA. It was so lush! As we walked into the huge yoga hall each person received an individual sound healing, then lay down on a mat with a blanket, pillow and any crystals they had chosen. Then for the next couple of hours the (large) group received sound healing with drums, shakers, didgeridoos and singing with some affirmations and intentions set to bring in the energy of Jupiter for increased abundance and prosperity. I am very big on my healing (I teach Reiki among other things) and this sound healing knocked my socks off. Great stuff. I do weekly group meditation too and the power of meditating in groups is so much more effective than going it alone.


This week I have also joined forces with a group set up by Coach Christie to “virtually” exercise together. We do HIIT (high intensity interval training) in the comfort of our own home using YouTube videos created by Zuzana Light, fitness model and trainer. All us girls who are doing it give each other regular updates on how we are going and as it progresses I’m sure there will be tips on nutrition, different workouts etc. It’s really motivating knowing we are all in it together and it makes it that much easier to do (even though the workouts hurt like hell, haha!).


Research into tasks performed in a group and on an individual basis conclude that tasks were performed more efficiently and that individuals showed higher motivation levels when working in a group environment (University of Northern Iowa). The benefits of working in a group are clear ~ what are you doing right now that may be better done in a group? If you want to exercise more, or catch up more with your mates, how about you arrange a night or two where you catch up after work to go for a walk or run, or to a class at the gym? Is there anyone you can team up to get you motivated in other areas of your life? Try it out, and let me know how you go!


Enjoy the rest of your weekend peeps!


Hugs ‘n’ good stuff



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