All Posts By

Coach Carly

Find your person

    I was listening to a podcast the other day where they were talking about finding your person.   They weren’t actually talking about relationships and finding “the one” – they were talking about how to find the matching other half to help you achieve your goals.   Consider the current goals you have set for yourself.   Are you feeling a bit stuck and not sure how to move forward with them?   Chances are, you haven’t found…

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It’s a happy day today

    Today I paid my deposit on my second block of land, not far from the beach. I’ve been itching to build again since I built my first home by the ocean in 2015/16. But rewind from here to the end of 2018, and I felt like I was in a hole. I’d been in a long term relationship where I’d been taken advantage of financially for a very long time. I found myself with my house in mortgage…

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What is Reiki

    I’ve been teaching Reiki and other energy techniques for over 15 years now and along the way I’ve found easy ways of describing what Reiki is.   I share this with my students who are often surrounded by sceptical loved ones and want to know how to describe energy work to them.   When we’re first starting out on our journey with Reiki it can be challenging to know what to say to other people when they ask…

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Get your shit together in 2022

    Day 7, 2022.   Did you set any resolutions at the start of the year?   How are they going?   Chances are, not very well.   Rather than set resolutions each year, why not focus on getting your shit together in general?   How long has it been now that you’ve been thinking of changing your career, healing your past, working on (or ending) your relationship, prioritising your health and fitness, {insert desired goal here}?   If…

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Happy new year to you and yours

  2021 has drawn to a close and it’s always a good time to reflect on the year you’ve had and what you want to create in 2022.   How was your year?   What lessons and blessings came your way?   What happened that you need to heal from?   What do you want 2022 to look like for you and your fam?   Thank you to all those who are in my life, to those who follow my…

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Show kindness this Christmas and remember it’s not “merry” for everyone

  The festive season is well and truly in full swing with Christmas parties and messages galore.While most people are wishing others a “merry” or “happy” Christmas, it’s also important to remember those who aren’t feeling so merry or happy.Christmas is a time of year where a lot of people I see in the mental health and justice space are suffering.They’re missing loved ones who’ve passed, they’re missing kids they are unable to see, and some are without families and living on…

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