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Coach Carly

Sometimes the weight you need to lose isn’t on your body

  Imagine we are all born with an empty suitcase. Imagine that each time you go through some kind of trauma or negative event in your life, you put a potato in that suitcase. The size of the potato you put in would reflect the significance of that event. If you appropriately dealt with the experience at the time, you get to take the potato out. Chances are, by the time you get to, say, 35-40 years old, you may…

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Love yourself so much that when you get treated like sh1t you recognise it

    How would your life be if you truly loved, honoured and respected yourself?   If you honoured your needs each day?   If you lived in integrity with your values in each moment?   I find this is a really useful – and often – confronting question to ask my clients, one they get pretty immediate answers to.   I work with a lot of very natural “helper” types – I’m one of those too.   There can…

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How would you feel if your kid was dating you?

    No, I don’t mean you actually dating your kid.   When I coach my clients around relationship issues, I find a really good question to ask is whether they’d be happy if their kid (or sibling or someone else they love) was in a relationship similar to their own.   It’s a confronting question and one that generates an immediate response.   We can fart-arse around any other question and smooth things over in our minds about our…

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How to live an antifragile life

    There’s a lot out there on being resilient, leaning into being punched in the face over and over again and not allowing it to bring you down.   But what if you could be more than just resilient?   What if you could be antifragile?   “The fragile wants tranquility, the antifragile grows from disorder, and the robust doesn’t care too much” ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb   Are you just living, or are you living in a way where you’re antifragile?  …

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What I’ve seen in people’s energy fields in the last 4 years

I started doing energy work in 2005, and have seen a lot of change in the world since then – in peoples energy, the energy of the planet and my own energy.   But what I’ve noticed in the last few years has been especially interesting to me.   In 2010 I learned a different way of doing energy work that involved scoring the chakras (the energy centres of the body and energy field) so I could see how open…

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Are you rushing into your relationship?

    I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on my past relationships, learning the lessons I was given along the way.   Between the ages of 17 and 38, a good chunk of those years were spent in relationships where I was cheated on many times, manipulated, coercively controlled, financially and emotionally abused, deprived of my liberty at times and slowly but surely turned into a shell of my former self with a very broken heart.   When I…

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