I was interviewed by the gorgeous Catherine Keeley from Nourished Life a couple of weeks ago about the power of forgiveness. It was such a fun chat with lots of awesome tips and practical techniques you can use to move forward in your own life. Forgiveness doesn’t have to be about forgiving the person to their face. Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Do yourself a favour and let that shit go!…
We all have those bad times—periods in our lives where everything seems to be going wrong, and there doesn’t seem to be a way out. Finding yourself in the middle of a slump can be overwhelming and difficult to overcome. However, literature has long stood as one of the most powerful tools for change. The pen is mightier than the sword, remember. Books can transport you into a whole new world and do wonders for your way of thinking. These…
Are you aware of quite how much your thoughts are influencing your behaviour (and as a result, your decisions and actions)? A good example of how our thoughts impact our behaviour is from the time I spent living in London. Over one summer, we had a few weeks of good sunny weather (almost unheard of in London!) and everyone was noticeably happier. One day, I stepped out of the door and it was grey, rainy and miserable. I shrugged my…
Hey guys I was just reflecting on a conversation I was having with a new client last week. He’s in a pretty bad way, he’s very depressed and he’s attempted suicide a number of times now. To watch the video on YouTube click here. During this initial call we had, he mentioned how many people had talked to him about positive thinking – you know, “just think positively.” I know a lot of people who are depressed, or who are feeling…
When I’m coaching a client, I always ask “what’s really holding you back?” The only true answer, is that YOU are the one holding you back. Is there something you want to be/do/have that excites you but also scares the shit out of you? That mixture of scary excited usually means it’s the right thing to do. The fear can hold us back, and it’s our job to crush it by any means possible. If I’d let that fear get to…
Hey guys Today I have a video for you that I recorded the other day as a Facebook Live video. I recorded this for anyone who is currently feeling stuck, anxious, depressed and/or suicidal at the moment – you are NOT alone. This video was inspired by listening to other people’s stories about how they hit rock bottom and came out the other side. Please watch and share xx Click here to watch the video. Are you ready to stop…