Yesterday I was chatting to a new coaching client, and he admitted to being quite critical of himself. He would call himself disorganised, lazy and lacking in willpower and planning. But when he was talking about doing hobbies that he was passionate about, that totally float his boat and make him feel alive, I asked him the following question: Are you disorganised, lazy, or lacking in willpower or planning when you’re doing the thing you love the most? He acknowledged…
Are you feeling in resistance mode right now? By that I mean – are you feeling stuck, are you feeling angry or resentful, or any other negative emotions that are keeping you from feeling like you can move forward? I’ve definitely been there on and off for the last few weeks, brought on by dealing with annoying technical issues with my laptop and social media, but needing to get stuff done nonetheless. I was noticing that when I had to…
I shared this story yesterday with a client as it was relevant to what was going on for them. Back when I was around 27 (just yesterday then ?) I was living in London, in a toxic abusive relationship that was draining me and I was burnt out. I went to go and see someone for an energy healing and on the way out of the underground, as I was walking up the stairs I saw this shop in…
Just finished being interviewed live by Robert Sharpe on the Bringing Inspiration to Earth podcast – I really enjoyed this interview! “Suicide Reduction & Prevention, a Global Mission with Coach Carly (Australia)” Across the globe there are countless people who are feeling depressed and suicidal on a daily basis, and struggling to beat it. In fact, many don’t, and choose to end their lives. As a result of this, so many more lives are impacted as their friends…
This week I seem to be talking to a lot of my coaching clients about issues within their relationships. My first port of call when discussing relationship challenges is to look at the 5 love languages. This is an amazing relationship book written by Gary Chapman, where he states that each of us tend to have a preferred way of communicating our love. A blog I wrote in the past discusses the nature of Transactional Analysis in relationships where, in conflict…
3 questions to ask someone if you think they might be suicidal World Suicide Prevention Day is approaching on 10 September, which is also the same day as R U OK Day. Suicide prevention is a topic massively close to my heart, having lost a couple of friends to suicide. A few more have made attempts to take their own life and I’m so grateful they are still around. I’ve also worked with a lot of clients in the field…