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Coach Carly

What I’m learning from Project Self Love (that will be true for you too)

If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube. A couple of weeks ago I shared this vulnerable post on Facebook where I talked about how I have become increasingly aware of this empty feeling inside, and despite 15 years of doing personal development on myself I couldn’t quite figure out where this feeling was coming from. It felt lonely, empty, sad, unhappy, dissatisfied and like there was this longing feeling – a sense of missing…

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The grass isn’t greener on the other side – it’s greener where you water it.

We all know the old cliché phrase, “the grass is greener on the other side” – but most of us also know that in reality it isn’t true.   This phrase originally came from an American song written in 1924 called “the grass is always greener in the other fellow’s yard” by Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting, and the chorus goes a little something like this:   The grass is always greener In the other fellow’s yard The…

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Ever feel like you just want to hide away?

Ever feel like you just want to hide away? I felt a bit like that this morning.   **Vulnerable blog alert**   For years now I’ve been so focused and dedicated to achieving some big ass goals in my life. I grew up with the belief (which has limited me a lot in recent years) that you have to work really really really hard. I have a really strong work ethic and was really committed to my career in Corrections…

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Are you feeling lost/stuck right now? Here’s what you can do about it.

  Recently I keep having a similar conversation with clients and friends – a lot of people seem to be feeling really lost or stuck right now. Watch the video here on YouTube if you can’t see it below.     Are you feeling this way at the moment too? Maybe you made a big decision a few years ago like moving to another city/country, starting a new job like working at the mines, ended a relationship… and now you’re…

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What would you do with an extra 130 hours in your year?

People so often complain that they don’t have enough time to achieve X, Y or Z. You want to start a new hobby, but you don’t have enough time. You want to learn a language, but you don’t have enough time. You’d love to exercise, but you don’t have enough time. You want to start a business on the side of your job so you can finally leave the 9-5 grind, but you don’t have enough time. What if I…

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Why your drinking water is so much more than just water

In 1994, Dr Masaru Emoto got the idea to freeze water crystals and observe them under the microscope. He was convinced that he would be able to see something like snow crystals in the frozen water.     What Dr Emoto found during his studies was truly amazing – he found that the image of the water crystals would differ depending on the type of water. At first they tried tap water, but found they couldn’t get any beautiful crystals…

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