I was listening to Hay House Radio the other day and people were calling in explaining situations that are currently triggering them – by trigger, I mean anything that happens in your life that kicks off a negative emotion within you. One lady was explaining how much her husband’s laziness triggers her. He doesn’t work, and doesn’t want to work either. She resents being the breadwinner while he sits at home watching TV. Often we are triggered by a trait…
When I first learned about the Law of Attraction in 2007, it was through reading a book by Sandy Forster called How To Be Wildly Wealthy FAST. Back then I was living in London, working full time as a Probation Officer and trapped in a toxic relationship. I’d dreamed of moving to Australia for the previous 10 years, but felt really stuck at that time. Sandy’s book talks about the Law of Attraction and tools you can use to implement…
If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube. Are you suffering from shoulder pain? Maybe you’ve had this pain for weeks, months or even years? What’s that costing you? When you’re in pain all the time you can’t sleep properly, so you’re tired, cranky and irritable during the day which probably isn’t having a great effect on your relationships. You’re trying to manage it with pain medication which isn’t necessarily helping your digestive system. You’re…
This week I was in an article written in the West Australian paper as I’ve been taking part in a large scale study into the genetic causes of depression, along with some 20,000 other Australian residents. You can check out the article online here. I read an article online this week (see here) about how the post-mining boom has become an extremely toxic environment with many suffering depression. There is a high incidence of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in the…
**If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube** I was watching a video on YouTube last week which was a Ted Talk discussing the cultural taboo’s of suicide and mental illness. It’s stuck with me ever since and so I felt the need to share some info here. Back when I was a Probation Officer in London, I would have to write pre-sentence reports and risk assessments, and I would have a drop down menu…
So often when I’m speaking with a coaching client, they’ll be telling me about their feelings and then invalidating how they feel in the same sentence by saying; “Well I mean I shouldn’t moan really, it’s not like I’m starving in Africa or anything.” True. But why compare how you’re feeling with others? Do you think that because you’re not starving, you’re feelings don’t count? Your feelings don’t matter? It’s important not to suppress your emotions by invalidating them. Everyone…