As we grow as individuals and get to know ourselves more, we become more aware of our values and what’s important to us in life.That includes how we want to be treated.But what does this really mean?It mostly comes down to our personal boundaries, which stem from our sense of self-worth. Someone with a low self-worth doesn’t love themselves enough, or think they’re worthy enough, to stand up to those who are treating them badly. Someone with a healthy level of self-worth and self-love will have strong…
I was talking to a coaching client the other day about The Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is a map of transformation, where you can take a difficult experience you’ve gone through in the past and see the map from struggle to transformation, and everything in between. The original story of the Hero’s Journey was told by Joseph Campbell in his book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” and it starts with a ‘call to adventure’ – a longing from…
You’re right here. You also can’t run away from your problems – because you’ll be taking yourself with you. You could “find” yourself wherever you are, and make a decision to be happy with who you are, warts n all. And if there are things you want to change about yourself that’s fine too, just choose to be happy while you make those changes. Choose happiness 💛 Catcha on the flip side, …
I was listening to a great podcast recently about the growth equation: growth = stress + rest.Listen hereThe presenter was initially talking about how our muscles grow when put under stress, but the same is also true for pretty much any area of our life. When we face challenges in our life, it puts us under a certain amount of stress.Continued stress without rest leads to injury, burnout and illness. Too much stress can lead to giving up.Not enough stress can lead to boredom, complacency and laziness.But the right…
Crazy when you think of it that way, but it’s true. It’s the negative thoughts that we choose to think that easily and quickly spiral us downhill. Yes, I said CHOOSE to think. When you’re stuck in a negative thought spiral it can be easy to think that we have no control over our thoughts – but that just isn’t true. It’s not necessarily easy to change your thinking, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s worth it. It takes discipline,…
Is your life exactly as you want it to be? The world is full of people complaining about their job/relationship/money troubles, take your pick. But the truth is that our external world is really only a mirror for our inner world and how we’re treating ourselves. Here’s a few examples: Clutter in your external environment = clutter in your brain space Feeling unloved = not loving yourself enough Feeling disrespected/used/taken for granted = not setting good personal boundaries = lack…