I’ve been listening to a bit of Tara Brach lately and she has a great video about how to stop the war against ourselves.She speaks about how when we’re suffering, it’s because we’re holding on too tight and need to let go.If you let go a little you’ll find a little peace.If you let go a lot, you’ll find a lot of peace.If you let go completely, you’ll be able to live your life fully.This could be letting go of…
I work with clients from all kinds of backgrounds.With a lot of people that have had the kind of upbringing most people would prefer to not know was possible.Drug addicts.The homeless.People with a hectic criminal record.Something they all have in common is that no matter how broken they seem to society, they are all survivors.Survivors of abuse of all kinds.Survivors of self-harm and suicide attempts.Survivors of neglect and lives without love.They are also no different from anyone else in many…
“Remember that what you are seeking is also seeking you”As a 15 year old, I used to completely do my own head in pondering philosophical questions.Why are we here?What happens when we die?I used to sit there and try and imagine what happens when we die – I couldn’t imagine not existing anymore, so what happens instead?Never not existing?Combine those thoughts with hormones.Yeah. HARD WORK.I knew what I saw around me wasn’t all there was.What I saw was you go…
I was listening to an interview the other day with Lisa Nichols about how she rescued herself from a life of poverty to become the successful person she is today.This is a must watch/listen as there were SO many gold nuggets I couldn’t keep up!Listen or watch here.One of the things that stood out was her quote “your conviction and convenience don’t live on the same block.”What she’s referring to is that most people want the convenience of self-development, without…
Fruit only grows on new wood.To encourage a tree to grow, we prune them. Along with that death, comes rebirth.It’s kinda the same for us, isn’t it?“Remember that growth always involves some pruning”Loss and a death whether literal or not, is always painful, but it’s also a growth opportunity.The death of an identity gives you a blank slate to work from.The end of a relationship brings with it future love.There is no better way to encourage growth than by some good…
Ain’t that the truth.We spend so much of our lives ruminating on past hurts or perceived failures, or worrying about the future.Our brain literally doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination.Try this little exercise right now.Imagine taking a slice of lemon and biting into it.What happened in your mouth? Did your saliva increase? Did your cheeks tighten like there was a sour taste there?Our body actually has physiological reactions to whatever our brain is focusing on.Do you realise that…