All Posts By

Coach Carly

What challenge can you set for yourself this year?

    2020 is done.   Many are glad to see the back of last year.   Is your 2021 off to a strong start?   Last year, I set myself a challenge to use my brain in a way I never had before (not willingly, anyway), and have started 2021 really enjoying my brain training.   I’ve always been naturally good with people, but when it comes to things like maths, numbers etc my brain farts it’s way through…

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Un-fuck yourself

  Do you remember who you were at your happiest?   Before you let all those mo fo’s dim your fucking shine?   Do you remember what it is that makes you truly happy?   The things you love to do?   The things that make you smile, laugh, or make your heart sing?   Is it time to un-fuck yourself?   There’s never a better time than now to start freeing yourself from all the negative bullshit and past…

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Next year will be different? Not unless you change yourself.

  What a year 2020 has been. It certainly gave the entire world a shake up. It’s caused many of us to question a lot of things in our lives. Are we in the right job? The right relationship? The right country? Many people have left their careers, whether it was forced or because they didn’t want to delay a career change any further. Many relationships have broken down in the face of lockdown. One thing is certain; it’s been…

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Don’t be afraid to tap out when you need to

  In this world we live in, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by life.   We are so used to the daily grind, with an insane ability to be switched on 24/7 and available at the drop of a hat.   A few weeks ago I felt a growing desire to tap out of it all for a while – not life, but the busy-ness of it all.   So much has changed in my life in the…

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Stop telling yourself who you’re supposed to be, or you’ll never find out who you really are

  We live in a world full of labels and stereotypes. Usually when I meet someone one of the first questions is “what do you do?” Like what you do defines who you are. I’m more interested in WHO you are, not what you do. When you ask that question instead, a lot of people struggle to answer. Who am I without labelling myself in the way I do? When you strip off the labels and get nekkid, how do…

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All or something

  Are you an “all or nothing” kinda person? I used to be. But the “all or nothingness” leads to extremism and then not really getting to your goals in the most effective way. Life is messy, humans are messy, nobody is perfect. We are all driven by our limiting beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” which kicks in hard when we feel like we are failing. Show up anyway. You can smash out the best week/month ever with…

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