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Coach Carly

Can Reiki or coaching cure you?

  Every now and then, I get a message from someone asking:   “Can Reiki/coaching fix/heal my {insert problem here”…}   I never promise any healing or “cure” as that’s not within my control.   Nothing can fix/heal you unless you’re an active participant in your own healing.   So, in the work I do with clients, I can provide the best service possible; with energy work, that’s me acting as a facilitator for high vibrational healing energies, and by…

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Are these blocks stopping you from your goal of running a small biz?

  A lot of people I know run a small biz these days – sometimes as their only source of income, but often as a hobby biz on the side.   I started my biz in 2006, and it grew very organically along the way initially without the amazing social media we have at our hands today.   Over the years, I’ve coached friends and clients to help them overcome the blocks stopping them from starting, or growing, their small…

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Are you choosing to stay stuck?

    I was listening to an amazing, inspirational podcast interview the other day on “I Catch Killers with Gary Jubelin”.   Gary was interviewing Khalid Baker, who was convicted of a murder he’s always maintained he never committed.   He was only 18 and went on to spend 13 years in prison.   He talked about how he could have let anger consume him, but this would have led him to staying stuck.   He knew the system would…

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Are you enabling those you love?

  I heard on a podcast the other day, “enabling comes in many forms”.   How true that is.   enabler /ɪˈneɪblə,ɛˈneɪblə/   A person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behaviour in another.   I’ve spent many years in the past enabling others to continue to treat me in a certain way, or continue a certain pattern of behaviour without setting boundaries.   I’ve enabled people to continue an addiction.   I’ve enabled people to continue living in…

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Anger, the boy and the fence

  I heard this story on a podcast today and love it.   “There once was a little boy who had a very bad temper.   His father decided to hand him a bag of nails and said that every time the boy lost his temper, he had to hammer a nail into the fence.   On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails into that fence.   The boy gradually began to control his temper over the next few weeks, and the number…

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