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Coach Carly

3 Session Coaching Package

  In these sessions we will explore your current goals, whether they are aligned with your needs and values, and look at what obstacles are in the way that need to be healed and released in order to reach your goals.   Areas of focus may be: – starting or growing a small business – money manifesting and healing money trauma – healing from toxic, codependent relationships and finding healthy love – healing and releasing past trauma and baggage  …

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Woah! Clearing rage…

  Hey legends   Last night I ran a live call with my amazing members of my online coaching course From Surviving To Thriving.   I was walking my peeps through module one of my member site and the last lesson in the module is where I teach them an amazing technique to clear negative emotions.   One of of members was brave enough to put her hand up for me to take her through the clearing process live.  …

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This is beautiful ~ take the time to read it

    my brain and heart divorced   a decade ago   over who was to blame about how big a mess I have become   eventually, they couldn’t be in the same room with each other   now my head and heart share custody of me   I stay with my brain during the week   and my heart gets me on weekends   they never speak to one another instead they give me the same note to pass…

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Tina shares her amazing story of From Surviving To Thriving

    Here Tina shares with us her journey of how the tools she learned in the program helped her literally survive – she honestly believes if she had not learned these tools, she would be dead, in prison, or in a psychiatric ward. Check out my program here. Check out Tina’s amazing business here. As always, if you feel you would like to chat about how I can help you, drop me a message and we can chat about…

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Instant gratification and personal development

    I was watching a FB live my coach did on instant gratification and how it relates to business, and I wanted to share my spin on this with you.   Whenever I think of instant vs delayed gratification I always think about a fairy cake with the delicious icing on top (assuming you like cake and icing, of course).   Are you the kind of person who eats the best bit first (the icing for me for sure!),…

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Set yourself free

      I heard a great Michaelangelo quote the other day, talking about carving an angel out of stone: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. This reminds me of personal development and is why I love coaching clients. I have a knack for seeing people’s true potential when they can’t see…

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