Somebody needs to hear this today. Is it you? You’ve had a dream/goal for a while now. That thing you’ve been wanting to do for weeks, months or years but haven’t properly kicked it off. My question is… WHY THE FUCK AREN’T YOU TAKING ACTION ALREADY? YOU are the only one holding you back. 💰 Not money (you can find ways to get resourceful) ⏰ Not lack of time (you’re sitting…
🤨 excuse the slow video 😂 In 2010 I learned about the assemblage point + the various symptoms you get when it’s been knocked out of alignment. If you’re feeling out of sorts, watch this video. 👇🏼 Comment INFO if you want me to send you more information about the assemblage point 💞 Comment HEAL if you want more info about booking in for an energy treatment with me 🫶🏻 Comment WORKSHOP if…
We tend to think the way other people treat us is to do with us personally. Most of the time, that’s not true. ☺️ Most of the time what people say is actually nothing to do with you. It’s a projection of their own reality, the way they see life is through their own tinted kinda glasses. 🤓 Glasses framed by their past life experiences, their belief system, their traumas + triggers. The…
I’m reading a book at the moment which has been on my to-read list for SO long; The Body Keeps the Score by Bessell Van Der Kolk. At the moment I’m reading a section about safety and reciprocity, about how being able to feel safe with other people is “probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives”. Numerous studies have found that social support is the…
How often do you tell yourself you “should” do something? I really should save money instead of buy that thing. 💰 I really should get up earlier to get to the gym. 🏋🏼 I really should look after myself better. Should doesn’t often eventuate because there’s already a lack of commitment in the statement. How does it feel when you replace “should” with “will” or “must”? It becomes a thing that you’re…
I’m sorry for all those times I never let you speak your mind and stand up for yourself. I forgive you, I love you. 🥺 I’m sorry for all those relationships I tried to make work when they didn’t deserve it. I forgive you, I love you. 🥹 I’m sorry for taking years longer to move to Australia because you let yourself be held back by him. I forgive you, I love you. …