Hey lovely!
Wowzers, can you believe the year is nearly over! It still feels weird to me living in Australia and having summer over Christmas – Santa isn’t supposed to wear board shorts 🙂
I have a special gift for you this week, think of it as an early Christmas pressie.
Freebie 1: What your body wisdom is trying to tell you – download this free cheat sheet if you’re experiencing illness, aches and pains that won’t go away.
Freebie 2: Is it depression or is it really burnout – download this free report to see why your symptoms of depression may in fact be adrenal fatigue.
Freebie 3: The secrets behind the secret – the missing keys to manifesting – in this free e book you’ll learn about all the other Universal laws that work hand in hand with the Law of Attraction to help you manifest what you want in life.
Freebie 4: 18 quick and easy ways to feel better NOW – download this cheat sheet for some quick and easy steps you can take to shift yourself out of a negative space into a positive one.
As well as all these freebies I also have a special offer on the go for December and January – 2 coaching sessions with me to help you wrap up your 2016 and start your 2017 with a bang for only $200, which is over 50% discount on my usual price of 2 hours of coaching. This can be done in person if you’re in Perth or via Skype/phone if you’re elsewhere.
I’m also offering 50% off a distant healing through the month of December, so that’s only $50 for a distant healing! You can meditate in at a chosen time if you like too, and I’ll send you a comprehensive report following our session.
Catcha on the flip side,
Coach Carly xx