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Show kindness this Christmas and remember it’s not “merry” for everyone

  The festive season is well and truly in full swing with Christmas parties and messages galore.While most people are wishing others a “merry” or “happy” Christmas, it’s also important to remember those who aren’t feeling so merry or happy.Christmas is a time of year where a lot of people I see in the mental health and justice space are suffering.They’re missing loved ones who’ve passed, they’re missing kids they are unable to see, and some are without families and living on…

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Show kindness this Christmas and remember it’s not “merry” for everyone

The festive season is well and truly in full swing with Christmas parties and messages galore. While most people are wishing others a “merry” or “happy” Christmas, it’s also important to remember those who aren’t feeling so merry or happy. Christmas is a time of year where a lot of people I see in the mental health and justice space are suffering. They’re missing loved ones who’ve passed, they’re missing kids they are unable to see, and some are without…

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An early Christmas pressie – freebies and discounts galore!

Hey lovely! We are 13 sleeps away from Christmas, can you believe it?! I have a special gift for you as an early Christmas pressie 🙂 click on the links below for some freebies and read on for some special offers and discounts! Freebie 1: What your body wisdom is trying to tell you – download this free cheat sheet if you’re experiencing illness, aches and pains that won’t go away. Freebie 2: Is it depression or is it really…

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An early Christmas pressie for you – freebies and special offers!

Hey lovely! Wowzers, can you believe the year is nearly over! It still feels weird to me living in Australia and having summer over Christmas – Santa isn’t supposed to wear board shorts 🙂 I have a special gift for you this week, think of it as an early Christmas pressie. Freebie 1: What your body wisdom is trying to tell you – download this free cheat sheet if you’re experiencing illness, aches and pains that won’t go away. Freebie…

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