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walk away

Learn to love being alone

  I’ve never really believed in the old saying “two halves make a whole”.   It never really made sense to me.   Don’t two whole people make a better partnership?   If you’re half a person then you’re always looking for someone else to meet your needs instead of you being able to fill your cup without external sources.   When I was in my 20’s, I remember the feeling of looking at a whole weekend with no plans.…

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Never let the unacceptable become the acceptable

  I saw the above title in a quote this week, and it really triggered a big reflection for me. A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. How I gave my energy and power away on the…

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