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Trapped in smiling depression

    I look happy in this picture, right?   This was me in September 2010, the month before I moved from London to Australia.    I was in Ibiza, with my brother, and it was definitely a happier week than I’d had, but I was still a shell of my former self.   I’d had a hell of a year – actually a hell of a few years leading up to that holiday.   I’d lost close friends to…

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The power of vulnerability

Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability. Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior? Yeah, me too. The problem with that is that we are often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it. Back in 2010, I was in a really bad place in my life.…

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The cultural taboo of suicide

**If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube** I was watching a video on YouTube last week which was a Ted Talk discussing the cultural taboo’s of suicide and mental illness. It’s stuck with me ever since and so I felt the need to share some info here. Back when I was a Probation Officer in London, I would have to write pre-sentence reports and risk assessments, and I would have a drop down menu…

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My Interview On The Paradise Within Show

    Recently I was interview by Neary Heng for The Paradise Within Show. Initially we were going to talk about how I came to find my passion in life, doing what I love for my work. As we got into our conversation we found ourselves delving deeply into the subject of suicide and how I ended up coaching people through change and trauma. It became a really interesting conversation where I share a few gold nuggets about what people…

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“Suicide Reduction & Prevention, a Global Mission with Coach Carly (Australia)” {podcast interview}

Just finished being interviewed live by Robert Sharpe on the Bringing Inspiration to Earth podcast – I really enjoyed this interview!   “Suicide Reduction & Prevention, a Global Mission with Coach Carly (Australia)”   Across the globe there are countless people who are feeling depressed and suicidal on a daily basis, and struggling to beat it. In fact, many don’t, and choose to end their lives. As a result of this, so many more lives are impacted as their friends…

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3 questions to ask someone if you think they might be suicidal

3 questions to ask someone if you think they might be suicidal World Suicide Prevention Day is approaching on 10 September, which is also the same day as R U OK Day. Suicide prevention is a topic massively close to my heart, having lost a couple of friends to suicide. A few more have made attempts to take their own life and I’m so grateful they are still around. I’ve also worked with a lot of clients in the field…

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