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Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

  Many moons ago when I lived in London, I stumbled upon a random house party with a group of mates.  It was the early hours of the morning and I don’t think anyone was being their best self. 😂 My friend looked over at a guy we didn’t know and instantly judged him, saying how boring he looked. I told her not to judge a book by its cover (after all, it was around 6am!) and to go over…

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Be a coffee bean

    I recently listened to an awesome Ed Mylett podcast where he was talking about how people respond to stress, and sharing an analogy which I loved.   Some things turn soft in boiling water, like a carrot.   Other things get harder when boiled, like eggs.   But a coffee bean transforms the water into something new, it changes its surroundings and becomes something desired.   Reflect on some of the people in your life.   Who has…

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Make your mess your message

  It’s a natural part of life that we go through times where we feel life is/we are a mess.   We face challenges and hopefully grow from them.   It can be easy to spiral down into the mindset of feeling like a victim, where you get stuck in the “why me” of it all.   But a more positive way of handling it can be to get curious about how your mess can become your message.   How…

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There’s no story without struggle

I was talking to a coaching client the other day about The Hero’s Journey.  The Hero’s Journey is a map of transformation, where you can take a difficult experience you’ve gone through in the past and see the map from struggle to transformation, and everything in between. The original story of the Hero’s Journey was told by Joseph Campbell in his book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” and it starts with a ‘call to adventure’ – a longing from…

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