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The quality of your emotions equals the quality of your life

  Do you agree with this statement?   On a daily basis I work with clients who struggle to manage their emotions.   Some are completely disconnected from them and have a hard time knowing how to even state what emotion they are feeling other than simply “good” or “bad”.   Being completely disconnected is often a protection mechanism – they feel they might unlock Pandora’s box and face all the shit they’re avoiding if they start to delve into…

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Learn to soothe yourself when things aren’t going your way

When things aren’t working out the way we want them to, we often find ourselves in a negative headspace about things. When we’re feeling stuck and negative about a challenge we’re going through, it’s really easy for our thinking around it to spiral downhill. We also tend to get really specific about our perceived problems and that can lead to festering thoughts too. For example – if you had to pay the mortgage next week and you knew you didn’t…

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