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Never tell a narcissist your new first

    I was listening to an awesome Lewis Howes podcast recently where the interviewee was describing the reactions of narcissists to certain things.   One of the things she said was “never tell a narcissist your good news first”.   Tell your cheerleaders first – the people in your life who love and support you unconditionally so you can continue to feel good and celebrate for a while.   The reason for this is that they’ll turn any bit…

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7 signs you’re dating a sociopath

This week I was chatting to a friend about her recent relationship break up. As I was listening to her tell me about the abuse and manipulation she suffered, and how confused she was about it, and how despite how much of an arsehole he was to her she still wanted him to be ok, I realised we were talking about a sociopath.When you hear the term “sociopath” the movie Psycho might spring to mind, so let me unpack the…

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