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sexual abuse

Victim to victory to visionary

  Join me + my friend Tracey Lee Cook as Tracey shares her powerful story + valuable insight. Tracey overcame growing up in domestic violence, sexual abuse + nearly losing her baby at 8 months pregnant due to domestic violence. From a hospital bed at age 38 she read her first ever book by Tony Robbins + in that moment decided to change her life. Learn how to wear your story like a superhero cape instead of an anchor! I…

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Women shouldn’t wear skirts above the knee

What?! Mundine, you’re a dick. Boxer Anthony Mundine said this yesterday on I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here. He believes women should dress more appropriately so that guys don’t “lust after them” and said “you have no idea what goes through men’s minds.” So what?! That’s YOUR problem, not ours. Should we all walk around wearing Burka’s so that guys don’t have to think about keeping it in their pants? Argh this makes me mad. These kind of…

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We hold the power to change our story

I was listening to a powerful TED Talk today about the power of forgiveness (which, if you’re followed me for a while, you know I like to bang on about this topic, and did a video interview about how forgiveness has transformed my life which you can watch here). WOW.   This is an incredible story about the power of forgiveness.   Warning: this isn’t for the fainthearted but this is Sammy Rangel’s story of being severely abused by his…

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