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schema therapy

The ups + downs of chronic pain

    This is me, Thursday night just gone, in massive pain and laying on hot water bottles.    I’ve had chronic pain for about the last nine or ten years after I wrote off my motorbike and landed on my head.   Didn’t know for the first seven years that it was a bulging disc in my neck causing issues as my main symptom was neck and shoulder pain.    Started getting a mad headache on Wednesday which by…

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You don’t have to do it all, just because you can

    Do you set high standards and expectations for yourself?   Do you have a never ending to-do list that seems to get longer, not shorter?   Are you a high achiever?   I definitely fall into this category and have exhausted myself being like that over the years.   My driving limiting belief was “you have to work really really really hard for everything you have and even then you can lose it all again”.   Over the…

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