I was listening to a great podcast recently about the growth equation: growth = stress + rest.Listen hereThe presenter was initially talking about how our muscles grow when put under stress, but the same is also true for pretty much any area of our life. When we face challenges in our life, it puts us under a certain amount of stress.Continued stress without rest leads to injury, burnout and illness. Too much stress can lead to giving up.Not enough stress can lead to boredom, complacency and laziness.But the right…
I was in a workshop the other day where a clinical psychologist was talking about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and showed this picture of a broken bowl, repaired with gold or silver lacquer, called Kintsukuroi. The idea is the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. I thought this was such a beautiful idea. In the world of personal development there is a constant quest for “fixing” the broken pieces of ourselves in order to move on…