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You’re not a mess. You’re a feeling person in a messy world.

    I often have conversations with people who speak a lot about what they perceive as their anxiety and depression 🥹   What I’ve noticed is that sometimes we pathologise feelings that are a normal response to an abnormal situation.   “You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” ~ Glennon Doyle Melton   We throw around terms like anxiety and depression very loosely in this modern world, often when it’s not actually…

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Trapped in smiling depression

    I look happy in this picture, right?   This was me in September 2010, the month before I moved from London to Australia.    I was in Ibiza, with my brother, and it was definitely a happier week than I’d had, but I was still a shell of my former self.   I’d had a hell of a year – actually a hell of a few years leading up to that holiday.   I’d lost close friends to…

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All or something

  Are you an “all or nothing” kinda person? I used to be. But the “all or nothingness” leads to extremism and then not really getting to your goals in the most effective way. Life is messy, humans are messy, nobody is perfect. We are all driven by our limiting beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” which kicks in hard when we feel like we are failing. Show up anyway. You can smash out the best week/month ever with…

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You’re not a mess. You’re a feeling person in a messy world.

  Last week I had a few conversations where people spoke a lot about their anxiety and depression.   What I’ve noticed is that sometimes we pathologise feelings that are a normal response to an abnormal situation.   “You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” ~Glennon Doyle Melton   We throw around terms like anxiety and depression very loosely in this modern world, often when it’s not actually clinical depression or anxiety.  …

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