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I love you, I am listening

  Recently I’ve been feeling very burnt out.   I do plenty of self care and self love stuff, I really listen to my body and do things every day to fill my own cup.   I’m not sure yet what the message is that my body is trying to give me, but I’m listening.   Today, as I write this, I’ve taken the day off to nourish myself.   I’ve done some EFT (tapping) and yoga for burnout which…

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Trauma release with Dawn Catena

  This morning my friend Dawn Catena and I got on a live video to discuss trauma release and Dawn’s process the Butterly Effect Healing technique. Dawn is based in Canada and does trauma release sessions with her clients online – Dawn has helped me in the past wit releasing my own trauma with this special technique that she created herself. It’s definitely been a game changer for me so I wanted to get Dawn on to describe the technique…

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14 habits to calm your nervous system

  ** Image care of my super chill Squishy 🥰 Recently I wrote a blog called “you drown not by falling in the river, but by staying submerged in it.” This blog was all about how to process feelings if you’re feeling overwhelmed. But there are things that we can do on a daily or weekly basis to calm our nervous system, to stop us getting to that place of overwhelm. When stress levels are high, using positive daily habits…

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You won’t be punished for your anger, but by it – Buddha

Are you holding on to anger and resentment from the past? Do you lose your rag at the smallest of things, usually aimed at the person that the anger isn’t even really about? When we collect a bunch of memories about stuff that’s happened to us in the past that led to hurt, betrayal, resentment and anger, this crappy energy gets stuck as trauma in our physical body and our energy field, and if not released in an appropriate way,…

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18 tips to increase your energy

So many of us feel tired and sluggish a lot of the time, and we get stuck in the trap of reaching for a quick energy fix using caffeine, sugar, carbs or booze – none of which help our energy levels in the long term. One of my friends the other day put a post up on FB asking for advice from friends on how to improve their energy levels so I thought I’d share my top tips on how…

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Surround Yourself With Positivity And Watch Your Life Change ? #toptips

Hey guys I did a Facebook Live today about my top tips to surround yourself with positivity and watch how your life changes. Watch the video here.      My tops tips to flood your brain each and every day with positivity are: Set the alarm for half an hour earlier than usual. When it goes off, plug in your headphones and listen to a meditation, affirmations, subliminal affirmations or binaural beats – I listen to all of mine on…

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