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When life gives you lemons

    What to do when things don’t work out quite how you thought they would…   Every now and then, the shit hits the fan and for whatever reason, things don’t work out how you thought they would.How do you respond when life gives you lemons?Do you chuck your toys out of your pram or do you try and see the positives? Your reaction is always your choice. What do you choose to do in that moment? Do you wallow in self pity, talking…

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You get more of what you focus on

When I was learning to ride a motorbike, my instructor was quick to tell me to focus my attention on the direction I wanted to go in. So when I found myself on my brand new motorbike looking at a kerb and thinking to myself “don’t look at the kerb,” let’s just say it didn’t end well. Ouch! (I wrote my bike off and nearly myself in the process!) “You get what you focus on” is true for life in…

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Have you got the courage to make your dreams a reality?

At least once a week, somebody says to me “you’re sooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it. Yesterday I was chatting to a friend about how we have a litter of puppies due this week and she said “you’re soooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it – it takes a lot of hard work, years worth of research about the breed, plenty of money and trips to the vet to make it happen – and it…

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An early Christmas pressie – freebies and discounts galore!

Hey lovely! We are 13 sleeps away from Christmas, can you believe it?! I have a special gift for you as an early Christmas pressie 🙂 click on the links below for some freebies and read on for some special offers and discounts! Freebie 1: What your body wisdom is trying to tell you – download this free cheat sheet if you’re experiencing illness, aches and pains that won’t go away. Freebie 2: Is it depression or is it really…

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How I ended up in New Idea magazine

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction in 2007, it was through reading a book by Sandy Forster called How To Be Wildly Wealthy FAST. Back then I was living in London, working full time as a Probation Officer and trapped in a toxic relationship. I’d dreamed of moving to Australia for the previous 10 years, but felt really stuck at that time. Sandy’s book talks about the Law of Attraction and tools you can use to implement…

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Surround Yourself With Positivity And Watch Your Life Change ? #toptips

Hey guys I did a Facebook Live today about my top tips to surround yourself with positivity and watch how your life changes. Watch the video here.      My tops tips to flood your brain each and every day with positivity are: Set the alarm for half an hour earlier than usual. When it goes off, plug in your headphones and listen to a meditation, affirmations, subliminal affirmations or binaural beats – I listen to all of mine on…

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