Browsing Tag

love yourself

18 tips to increase your energy

So many of us feel tired and sluggish a lot of the time, and we get stuck in the trap of reaching for a quick energy fix using caffeine, sugar, carbs or booze – none of which help our energy levels in the long term. One of my friends the other day put a post up on FB asking for advice from friends on how to improve their energy levels so I thought I’d share my top tips on how…

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What I’m learning from Project Self Love (that will be true for you too)

If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube. A couple of weeks ago I shared this vulnerable post on Facebook where I talked about how I have become increasingly aware of this empty feeling inside, and despite 15 years of doing personal development on myself I couldn’t quite figure out where this feeling was coming from. It felt lonely, empty, sad, unhappy, dissatisfied and like there was this longing feeling – a sense of missing…

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Ever feel like you just want to hide away?

Ever feel like you just want to hide away? I felt a bit like that this morning.   **Vulnerable blog alert**   For years now I’ve been so focused and dedicated to achieving some big ass goals in my life. I grew up with the belief (which has limited me a lot in recent years) that you have to work really really really hard. I have a really strong work ethic and was really committed to my career in Corrections…

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