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How would you describe your relationship with money?

I posted the above question on my socials recently and got responses like “fickle”, “abominable” and “complicated.” Not one person gave me a positive word!   Money is just an energy – it’s not good or bad, it is whatever we perceive it to be.   Imagine if the money in your life was an actual person that you were in a relationship with.   How do you treat your Mr or Mrs Money?   Do you constantly wait for…

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Are you committed to doing what it takes?

  The majority of peeps out there are forever looking for a shortcut, a silver bullet or magic pill they can take to achieve their goals if XYZ.   Those of us who are truly invested in our personal development and healing know there are no short cuts – you have to do the work.   YOU have to do the work.   Nobody else can do it for you.   I get asked a lot of questions in my…

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I want coaching but I don’t have any money

  Every now and again I get a message that goes something like this:   “I want coaching/Reiki/to learn Reiki/to change my life, but I don’t have any money.”   This immediately tells me something really important about that person.   They aren’t truly committed to making the changes they say they want in their life.   I know straight away this person is hoping to get something for nothing, and I also know I could give them a tonne…

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The best investment you can make is in yourself

If it’s true that your number one asset is YOU, then why aren’t you willing to invest in yourself? All too often I hear people say they really want to {lose weight/feel better/make more money/change their career/insert desire here}, but that they don’t have enough {time/money/confidence/insert objection here}. Here’s the thing. If you’re 100% committed to making a change, you’ll do what it takes. If you don’t have the time, you’ll MAKE the time. If you don’t have the money,…

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