I’ve do a lot of energy treatments every week, seeing anywhere between 1-15 people, most of them distant healings, and you know what the common theme is that I find? A lack of self-love. 💔 When I do a treatment, I check the scores of how each chakra is functioning before I do the treatment so I can give my client an understanding of where they were at before the treatment and how that would have…
When you’re going through stresses in life, how do you tend to approach it? Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide? Do you face problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning? Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? 🪨 💦 …
Yesterday my amazing fiancé turned 40 🥳 I’d ordered a special yummy personalised cake for him and went to pick it up on Monday. It was a stinking hot day ~ 37 degrees as I drove to get it. 🥵 As the cake maker brought it out, she looked utterly devastated and embarrassed saying due to the heat in her kitchen the cake hadn’t set properly. She said she could fix it but needed…
I was listening to a podcast last week and the person being interviewed was sharing their story of overcoming a challenge. She said “if I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened.” Which situations can you say that about in your life? 🧐 Where you ignored your gut feeling and intuition, only to be kicked in the butt by it later? I know I can reflect on many such times. If I…
Most of us get to a point where we’re confronted with that awful moment of realisation that we’ve ended up in a bad spot. 😵💫 That moment where you think ohhhhh shit I need to leave this job/relationship/career/home/country or whatever it is. Or maybe you realise you need to stop thinking or behaving in a certain way, or that the thing you’ve been blamed for IS actually your fault. 🤯 Maybe you find yourself pretending…
Hey legends Think you had a normal childhood? I ask clients several times a week to describe their childhood and most of them say it was “normal” until we do a deeper dive. Watch this video to discover my own learnings of what I thought was my own “normal” childhood and how it affected me later in life. I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections of anything that resonates for you after watching this video ~ what do you…