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energy treatments

Ready to shift in a massive way?

  Rachael combined coaching + energy treatments for profound changes in her life.  I have a Dig Deep package which includes 3 coaching sessions combined with 3 energy treatments which can either be done together as a 2 hour session or alternated, in person or via video call. My Go Deeper package consists of 6 coaching sessions + 6 energy treatments, with packages typically run as a 2 hour coaching + energy treatment with 2-4 weeks in between sessions.  This…

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How lack of self love shows up in your energy field

    I’ve do a lot of energy treatments every week, seeing anywhere between 1-15 people, most of them distant healings, and you know what the common theme is that I find?   A lack of self-love. 💔   When I do a treatment, I check the scores of how each chakra is functioning before I do the treatment so I can give my client an understanding of where they were at before the treatment and how that would have…

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How do you know when you have an entity latched on to you?

How do you know if you have a negative entity latched on to you? The topic of negative entities often scares people, but it’s an important one to understand. Imagine going outside at night with a bright light – within seconds, bugs of all shapes and sizes would be magnetised to the light.   Our energy field is a light body, and etheric “bugs” are attracted to our lightbody in the same way that bugs are attracted to light. Just…

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