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emotional baggage

Try this to release past hurts

    We all have emotional baggage from our past that holds us back from achieving our goals and being our best self.    One of my favourite things to do is to help others uncover what’s holding them back so they can become the best version of themselves.   Out of the hundreds of tools I’ve learned along the way, forgiveness work is my number one go-to if I’m stuck.   The first forgiveness technique I learned was taught…

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Sometimes the weight you need to lose isn’t on your body

  Imagine we are all born with an empty suitcase. Imagine that each time you go through some kind of trauma or negative event in your life, you put a potato in that suitcase. The size of the potato you put in would reflect the significance of that event. If you appropriately dealt with the experience at the time, you get to take the potato out. Chances are, by the time you get to, say, 35-40 years old, you may…

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The quality of your emotions equals the quality of your life

  Do you agree with this statement?   On a daily basis I work with clients who struggle to manage their emotions.   Some are completely disconnected from them and have a hard time knowing how to even state what emotion they are feeling other than simply “good” or “bad”.   Being completely disconnected is often a protection mechanism – they feel they might unlock Pandora’s box and face all the shit they’re avoiding if they start to delve into…

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R E S I L I E N C E : the ability to get punched in the face over and over again

  Would you describe yourself as a resilient person? Resilience is about a persons capacity to recover from shitty situations, to be able to “spring back into shape” no matter what life throws at you. What helps make someone resilient? resilient peeps have a realistic awareness of self they’re adaptable they’re optimistic they’re pragmatic the ability to be autonomous they’re connected to others they have self-compassion   There’s always going to be challenging shit that comes at us in life.…

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